Wednesday, October 7, 2009


It was shortly after I gave birth to my daughter last year that I was going to meet friends for a relaxing night out. I was running late and scrambling frantically around the house looking for what I am always looking for: shoes, purse, keys, phone. My 6 year old son approaches me hesitantly and asks me to follow him into the back room (the husband's man cave) and the following conversation ensues:

Son - Mom, you need to sit down.

Me - I can't honey, I'm getting ready to run out the door.

Son - No, mom. You need to sit down. This is serious.

I stop briefly to look directly at him.

Me - What is?

Son - I'm scared, mom. I'm scared.

I'm thinking the worst. He's been molested by the meth-addicted (allegedly) dogwalking neighbor or he's hurt his new baby sister ... whatever it was, I could tell it was going to be bad.

Me - Oh, honey, whatever it is, it's okay. You can tell mommy anything and I will always love you no matter what.

Son bursts into tears.

Son - I don't wanna get in trouble mom. I don't wanna get in trouble.

Me - Just tell me and get it over with. Just tell me.

Son - I cut off Wee's tail. (Wee is our 11 year grumpy old man cat).

Me - You what?

Son - I cut his tail off.

Me - Well, how on earth do you know that?

Son - Because it's sitting on the basement steps.

And it was.

Oddly enough, recent statistical data tells us that cat's tails get amputated in basement doors at an alarming rate of 12 per minute.

What is something extraordinary that your child has done that has left you speechless? What is something you did as a kid to leave your mom speechless? POST IT IN THE COMMENTS

The following is the first official executive board meeting of SFTC. If you aren't interested, go straight to comments, and thanks for visiting!

Jill, could you please take minutes? Thank you.

First order of business - Comment replies.

I am two posts behind responding to follower comments. This is due to serious cat illness and lack of sleep from worrying about said cat and whether or not I would have to euthanize my son's beloved pet. (Thankfully, I did not.) I have not done much outside of publishing new posts.

Thank you to everyone who keeps reading and following and commenting despite my lameness! Holy Moley are you commenting! I honestly have the world's funniest and best followers. I read them out loud to my son and we both laugh and laugh. I love it! I promise I will get caught up this weekend, if it kills me! And it very well might.

Second order of business - Following new blogs

I have been having issues following my new followers. For whatever reason when I click on the widget it is not pulling up the follow page so I then go to the top bar and select follow, but that appears to not be working either; therefore, if you are a new follower, and I am NOT following you, please remind me in the comments, or better yet, email me your link, so I can put your URL in my dashboard. That's what she said. Please don't be ashamed to tell me more than once.

Third order of business - Speaking from the Fridge is Dead

I'm killing my series, Speaking from the Fridge, not based on anything aside from having a great deal of difficulty coming up with topics. If I have to think that hard about writing, then it isn't worth it. It just became increasingly difficult to make it even remotely funny and weight loss - it's no joke. I did lose over 10 lbs in the time that I did do it, and I may occasionally blog about weight loss but a weekly series is too much. RIP SFTF.

As a side note, there is a lovely lady, Deborah from Amazing Animal Blessings and Prayers blog who has been a wonderful support during our cat illness, so here's a little shout out to her. As it happens, it is not feline leukemia, just an infection/flea/tapeworm problem, and she is responding well to antibiotics and is finally eating again. Praise Be to God!