My son has used his God-and-mother-given writing talents to compose a screen play. This is almost on the same level as the Michael Scarn screenplay find back in '09.
I have reproduced his screenplay here.
It's called:
If only by 'people' he meant, his dad, and if by 'dieing' he meant, drove his truck off a cliff and it exploded into a ball of flames and the insurance guy knocked on my door at 8 am to tell me my kids are getting a 50 million dollar life insurance policy... that would be the Jaws balls.
Unfortunately, by 'people' he meant teenagers, and by 'dieing' he meant being shot by a nerf gun. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
Cast of characters:
Friend one: teenager
Friend two: teenager
Son: Killer
Here goes.
Scene 1 Act 1
Fade in
Teenager one: hey dude
Teenager two: we really should not be here
Killer: hey get out of here
Teenager one: no
Killer: your dead (use nerf gun)
I smell sequel.
I smell sequel.